The Department of Music offers a minor in music studies. Required courses are a mixture of music-major level and College Core offerings. An audition is not required to enter the music minor. Students must register as a music minor with the Department of Music before they begin taking classes toward the minor, and they must consult with a Department of Music advisor in the selection of the courses that will lead to an individualized minor in music. Students are encouraged to start the music minor in the second semester of their first year and must start no later than the first semester of their second year.
Coordinator of The Music Minor
Associate Professor of Music and Coordinator of Music Performance
Music Building (609) 771-2558
Music Minor Requirements
Musicianship (1 course unit)
- MUS 261: Musicianship I
- MUS 262: Musicianship II*
- MUS 263: Musicianship III*
- MUS 264: Musicianship IV*
*Prerequisites apply
Historical and Cultural Studies in Music, Music Technology, or College Core (2 course units)
- MUS 245: History of Jazz
- MUS 246: Music in Global Perspective
- MUS 335: Audio Signal Processing
- MUS 336: Interactive Music Programming*
- MUS 337: Audio Recording and Production
- MUS 345: Electronic Music
- MUS 350: Scoring for Media*
- MUS 351: Music from 600 to 1750*
- MUS 353: Music from 1750 to 1945*
- MUS 355/WGS 307: Gender, Sexuality, and Pop Music in the 1980s*
- MUS 358: Social Justice, Music, Education
- MUS 370: Special Topics in Music Technology
- MUS 452: Music from 1945 to the Present*
*Prerequisites apply
Applied (200- or 300-level) or Class Lessons (.5 course units)
- Applied (private lessons): there is a qualifying audition required for applied lessons. Lessons for beginners are not offered. In addition, there is a fee for the applied lessons, which varies depending on the number of credit hours taken
- Class lessons include MUS 102 (Beginning Class Piano I), MUS 103 (Beginning Class Piano II), and MUS 228 (Intermediate Class Guitar)
Electives (1.5 Course Units)
- All MUS courses apply, including instrumental and vocal ensembles.
Additional Requirements and Information
- A minimum of one course at the 300-level or above is required.
- No more than one-course unit may be taken as an independent study.
- Up to 1.5 course units (six credits) from other institutions may be transferred upon appropriate accreditations. (“Credit by Exam” may be available.)