The Department of Music Student Resource Guide is designed to provide students with information on policies, procedures, and resources to support their academic career at the College. The Resource Guide is a reference tool for informational purposes and is subject to change. The Department of Music reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time without notice to remain compliant with accreditation standards. Students are accountable to policies and procedures in the resource guide.
If you have questions regarding the contents of this handbook, please feel free to contact your academic advisor or the department chair.
- About the Department of Music
- Degree Programs
- Mission Statement: The Department of Music at The College of New Jersey promotes music study in a program where performance, music education, technology, creativity, and scholarship are closely integrated. Our core curriculum emphasizes comprehensive performance opportunities, rigorous academic inquiry, and professional certification. Our programs offer a range of music curricula, including individualized and innovative interdisciplinary options.
Department & College Contact Information
Calendars & Performance Tickets
- TCNJ Official Academic Calendar
- 2024-25 Department of Music Season Calendar (internal document)
- TCNJ Department of Music Calendar (public/external calendar)
- TCNJ Center for the Arts Ticketing Website
- Note: every music student receives one complimentary ticket to each Department of Music ticketed event. To claim your comp ticket you must log-in to the ticketing system using your TCNJ credentials.
Academic Policies and Procedures
- 2024-25 TCNJ Department of Music Bulletin
- The Undergraduate Bulletin is TCNJ’s comprehensive source for academic information and program requirements. TCNJ’s course offerings and descriptions can be accessed in the PAWS system.
- Academic Rules and Procedures
- The Department of music adheres to all college-wide Academic Rules and Procedures. For a complete list of all policies, please refer to:
- Requirements of All Music Majors
- All students must audition for entrance into the Department of Music and when requesting a change in major applied area or degree program.
- All music majors must pass the required Sophomore Review.
- All Music Education and Performance majors must present a senior recital in their primary performance area. Before beginning to prepare for the senior recital, all students must pass a junior hearing in front of their applied area faculty. Performance majors must present a sophomore and junior recital, in addition to the senior recital. Students must register for applied study and the recital course during the semester of their recital performance.
- Every recital presented must have a recital hearing one month before the event. Only the successful completion of the hearing will ensure a recital performance.
- All music majors must pass a Keyboard Proficiency Exam as a requirement for graduation. Music Education students must pass the Keyboard Proficiency Exam by the end of their junior year to be eligible to student teach.
- Upon the recommendation of the major applied instructor, every music major who is registered for private studio at the 300 level or higher will perform in the Tuesday afternoon student recital series at least one time each academic year.
- All Performance and Music Education majors must enroll in a large ensemble each semester in which they are registered as full-time students and successfully complete the course with a grade of C– or higher. This requirement is waived only during the semester in which a Music Education student is student teaching. Part-time students (those taking fewer than three course units of study per semester) must petition the departmental Performance Affairs Committee for a special exemption from primary ensemble participation on a semester-by-semester basis.
- Admission As A Music Major
- Non-matriculated Students
- Incoming and external transfer students: please refer to and
- As a Change of Major (Internal Transfer)
- Students interested in changing their declared degree program to any music degree program must have a GPA of at least 2.5. Students will be directed to meet with either the Department Chairperson for Performance, the Music Education Coordinator, or the Bachelor of Arts Coordinator depending on the desired degree. An audition and interview are required for each of these programs; the audition will occur on one of the regularly scheduled audition dates or by special arrangement. Previously completed TCNJ music courses will be accepted towards fulfillment of graduation requirements if the grade in the course was passing according to the standards of the relevant curricular area.
- Music Major Change Of Degree
- A student in good standing in one of the music degree programs who wishes to be considered for entrance into a different music degree program must first bring this to the attention of their Academic Advisor and the Coordinator of their current degree program. The Academic Advisor will then arrange the required evaluations and interviews. Students should notify their advisor and program coordinator before the pre-registration period of the semester they wish to begin a new major.
- Transfer Audit (External Transfer)
- An evaluation of transferable music credits will be made at Transfer Student Orientation prior to the beginning of the student’s first semester. Students should be prepared to submit course descriptions and/or syllabi and other related materials for courses being considered for transfer credit. Only courses in which the student has earned the minimum required grade of the corresponding TCNJ course will be considered. Transfer credits for non-music courses are determined by an Academic Evaluator in the office of Records and Registration. Students must contact the office of Records and Registration directly for inquiries concerning non-music transfer credits. In most circumstances, students will be required to take the Music Theory Placement Exam. Students with a substantial background in keyboard studies can elect to take the Keyboard Placement Exam for advanced placement in the keyboard skills sequence (non-piano majors only). These exams are administered at Transfer Student Orientation; students might be contacted by the Department prior to orientation to confirm whether the Music Theory or Keyboard Placement Exams are necessary.
- More information on undergraduate transfer admission can be found at
- Non-matriculated Students
- Program Entrance, Retention, and Exit Standards (from the 2024-25 College Bulletin)
- Every degree program at the College has set standards for allowing students to remain in that program, to transfer within the College from one program to another, and to graduate from a program. The following are the standards for Department of Music programs:
- Retention in music programs is based on the following standards in these content areas:
- Applied Study. The lowest passing grade for studio lessons for Performance Majors (400 level lessons) is B-. The lowest passing grade for studio lessons for 200 and 300 level lessons is C-.
- Teacher Preparation. Music Education majors must achieve a grade of C+ or above in the following teacher preparation courses: MUS 241, MUS 392, MUS 394, MUS 397/398, and MUS 492. Music Education majors must also achieve a minimum passing grade of B- in MUS 490, Student Teaching.
- All other Music Courses. A grade of C- is the minimum passing grade for all other courses taken toward completion of programs in music.
Music-3 Undergraduate Bulletin 2024-2025
- Additionally, retention in the B.A. in Music and B.M. in Performance programs requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for every semester. Retention in the B.M. in Music Education requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at the end of the first and second semesters, 2.75 at the end of the fourth semester, and 3.0 when applying for and participating in student teaching.
- Transfer into the Department of Music from another program within the College is based upon satisfactory completion of an audition process, including a performance audition, aural skills exam, and degree program interview.
- Music majors may be put on departmental probation or dismissed from their degree program for any one, or a combination, of the following reasons: low GPA (below required standards), failure to progress toward a degree, unacceptable or failing result on the Sophomore Review, and/or failing to meet expectations for TCNJ’s School of Education Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA, for Music Education). Duration of the probation period will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Music Academic Affairs Committee after a conference with the student.
Advising and Enrollment
- Advising
- Every student will be assigned an Academic Advisor with whom they will work throughout their academic career. All questions concerning course sequencing and selection, career and/or graduate school mentoring, academic concerns, and major changes should be addressed to the Academic Advisor first. Each student is required to meet with their Academic Advisor prior to the pre-registration period for each semester. These meetings serve to ensure that the student is on track with their course of study. Students should be aware that the PAWS alone is not sufficient for ensuring that degree objectives are being met. The College of New Jersey and the Department of Music comply fully with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Faculty and staff will not divulge any information regarding a student’s contact information, status, progress, or other privileged information to third party individuals, including parents, unless a FERPA form or Authorization to Disclose Education Information Form is completed by the student.
- Course Registration & Overload
- The preregistration window for the Spring semester typically occurs at the beginning of November; for the Fall semester, preregistration occurs at the beginning of April. Students must register for their complete semester course load during preregistration, including private studio lessons and ensembles. Also, students must register for required courses as per their program’s course sequence guide BEFORE requesting an overload. It is essential that you meet with your Academic Advisor before the pre-registration period to consult about the courses you select and to plan alternate selections for courses that become full before you can enroll. If you fail to register for a required course during the pre-registration period, there is no guarantee that you will be able to enroll at a later date and the college may impose a late-registration fee.
- The Course Enrollment/Overload Request form is used when a student cannot enroll in a course because course prerequisites do not register in PAWS, the course is closed, or any other reasons. A student wishing to enroll in classes beyond a total of 4.5 course units must also submit the Course Enrollment/Overload Request form. College policy regarding course unit overloads will apply. A GPA of greater than or equal to 3.0 is required in order to register for more than 4.5 course units; a GPA of greater than or equal to 3.3 is required in order to register for more than 5 course units. The maximum amount of course units that may be taken in any semester is 5.25.
- Auxiliary Performer Policy and Form
Recitals & Juries
- Recitals
- Juries
- All students taking private applied lessons must complete a performance jury for each semester of enrollment in lessons in order to receive credit. For students enrolled in 300- and 400- level lessons, the jury is performed for a panel of faculty from the same instrument area. For students enrolled in 200-level lessons, the exact structure of the jury is determined by the area-faculty.
- Juries occur at the end of the semester, after the conclusion of classes. Students may not be excused from this process. In cases of illness or emergency, the student will receive the grade of “I” for the semester. The student who receives an “I” grade in their lesson will be required to present a jury performance within the first two weeks of the next semester. Failure to do so will result in the “I” grade being changed to an “F,” which will result in the dismissal of the student from the Department of Music.
- Jury scheduling and logistics are handled by Area Coordinators. Any questions about jury requirements and logistics should be directed to the appropriate studio faculty and area coordinator.
- Students should bring the appropriate Jury Forms and copies of music as requested by the studio instructor to their jury. Jury members will provide written comments and assign a jury grade to be factored as 1/3 of the final grade for the semester.
- The completed Jury Forms with comments will be placed in the student’s file maintained in the Music Office. These comments may be used during the Sophomore Review, or at any other time a student’s progress is considered by the faculty.
Sophomore Review
- The Sophomore Review is designed to provide the Music Faculty with comprehensive information concerning the progress of each student toward graduation. It is based on the level of development in all areas of their music degree program: Musicianship, Historical and Cultural Studies in Music, Keyboard Skills, studio and ensemble performance, Music Education courses (if applicable), and College Core. It is scheduled at a critical time in the student’s college career so that the faculty can assess the student’s ability to finish the degree program in a timely manner. The student must pass the Sophomore Review with one of the acceptable ratings described below under “Descriptions and Conditions of Ratings” in order to continue their music degree program.
- The Department of Music Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for the management and administration of the Sophomore Review.
- Scheduled Time for the Sophomore Review
- The Sophomore Review is held twice a year during final exam week and is administered in addition to the regular semester’s jury. Music majors typically take the Review at the end of their fourth semester of study. The Department will notify students at mid-semester with confirmation of their eligibility and with information regarding the scheduling of the forthcoming Review. Generally, all students who are progressing, as measured against their respective course sequence guides, are eligible. Students whose progress deviates from their respective course sequences may have their review deferred until the following semester. Transfer students will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be asked to participate in either the Fall or Spring Review.
- Descriptions and Conditions of Sophomore Review Ratings
- Pass: Performance and academic work thus far in the Department of Music has been satisfactory and no special conditions are required.
- Pass Provisionally: This means that there are problem areas that need attention and will be documented and placed in the student’s file. They will be notified of these concerns and required to meet with the Academic Affairs Committee before July of that year.
- Probation: Due to a low GPA, failure to progress toward a degree, failure to progress on an applied instrument, or unacceptable result on the Sophomore Review, a student may be placed on probation. They are allowed only one more semester to overcome these deficiencies and bring up grades to an acceptable level. They may also be required to repeat the Sophomore Review procedure. They will be required to meet with the Academic Affairs Committee to discuss these matters before July of that year. Students may only be on probation once; if a student fails to progress at any time following probation, they will be dismissed from their music degree program.
- Dismissal: Due to a low GPA, failure to progress toward a degree, failure to progress on an applied instrument, or failing result on the Sophomore Review, a student may be dismissed. That is, the deficiencies are so numerous and/or serious that the Department of Music faculty and studio professor have serious doubts that at this time the student can recover enough to continue to pursue a music degree program successfully and ultimately graduate. They will be required to meet with the Academic Affairs Committee to discuss finding another major outside of music before July of that year and may appeal the dismissal decision to that Committee.
Facilities & Instruments
- Department of Music Facilities
- Music Building Hours and Swipe Access
- Please note: Entry or usage of the music building, its facilities, and equipment outside of the swipe hours listed below is prohibited and will be reported to campus police.
- Does something in the music building need to be repaired? Click the button below to submit a work order:
Academic-Year Hours
Building Hours Monday – Friday: 8:00AM – 6:00PM __________________________ Music Student Swipe Access Monday – Sunday: 6:00AM – 12:00AM
Non Academic-Year Hours Building Hours Monday – Friday: 8:00AM – 6:00PM _____________________________ Music Student Swipe Access Monday – Sunday: 6:00AM – 12:00AM
- Practice Rooms
- The practice rooms on the lower level and the tutorial rooms on the second floor are available for use by all music students on a first-come, first served basis
- Use of Facilities for Private Teaching
- Music Building facilities may not be used by students or faculty for private teaching for monetary gain. Such usage is against state law. Violations of this law can result in criminal penalties.
- Lockers
- The Music Building has three main instrument storage areas:
- Room 018 (green lockers at end of basement hallway): these lockers should be used by students with small/medium sized instruments such as flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, viola, alto sax, tenor sax & trumpet. No swipe access is required. Students will need to provide their own lock which may be purchased at the bookstore. All lockers must be cleaned out and locks removed by June 1 of each academic year
- Room 04 (accessed from the basement lobby): these lockers are reserved for larger instruments such as bassoon, trombone, euphonium, bari sax, bass clarinet & guitar. Swipe access is required and is granted based on students’ primary instrument on record with the college. Students will need to provide their own lock which may be purchased at the bookstore. All lockers must be cleaned out and locks removed by June 1 of each academic year
- Room 016 (located in the hallway across from the 019 rehearsal hall): this storage room and lockers are reserved for celli, double bass, and tuba storage. Swipe access is required and is granted based on students’ primary instrument on record with the college. Students will need to provide their own lock which may be purchased at the bookstore. All lockers must be cleaned out and locks removed by June 1 of each academic year
- For any issues with swipe-access or lockers, please contact Mrs. Wells, Department of Music Program Coordinator, at
- The Music Building has three main instrument storage areas:
- Instrument Rentals
- The Department of Music provides instruments on loan to students for use in ensembles and methods classes. Please refer to the Instrument Sign-Out Form for loan agreement information. Students assume full responsibility for any damage, loss, or theft. The Department of Music is responsible for normal repairs and regulation of the instruments. If an instrument needs repair, please contact the Concert Hall Coordinator.
- Posting Policy
- Approved notices may be posted on bulletin boards and classroom tack boards only. Posting of materials on walls, doors, windows, columns, etc. is a violation of College policies. To get an flyer approved for posting, visit:
Keyboard Skills & Musicianship Handbooks
- Keyboard Skills: Keyboard Proficiency Exam and Advanced Placement Information
- For more information, please contact Dr. Tomoko Kanmaru, Coordinator of Keyboard Studies:
- Musicianship Handbook
- For more information, please contact Dr. José Beviá, Coordinator of Musicianship and Compositions Studies:
Campus Resources for Students
- TCNJ Campus Resources
- TCNJ Tutoring Center Services
- TCNJ’s Tutoring Center service is a fantastic, free resource available to all TCNJ students. The program is highly flexible: you can choose how many times to meet with a tutor and if you’d like to meet 1-on-1 or in a small group. Tutoring services are available between 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. In addition to extra support and help with the content and skills associated with various courses, the tutoring service is also a great way to develop effective preparation and practice skills, establish consistent course preparation, and build confidence.
- CLICK HERE to learn more about TCNJ Department of Music Tutoring Service
- TCNJ Accessibility Resource Center (ARC)
- Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) collaborates with students, faculty, staff, and guests to advance access within the campus community and to further extend both the mission of The College of New Jersey and the mission of the Division of Inclusive Excellence to persons with disabilities. As part of this effort, ARC promotes awareness of disability as a facet of diversity, with underpinnings of collaborative efforts being rooted in social justice.
- The TCNJ Cares program works extensively with individual students and campus and community partners to ensure that our students are connected to the resources to develop new skills in navigating challenging experiences and to ultimately meet their goals.
Student Organizations & Societies
- Professional Organizations
- American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) / Dr. John Leonard, advisor
- Association for Music Production and Discussion (AMP’d) / Dr. Quinn Collins, advisor
- National Association for Music Education (NAfME) / Dr. Nicholas McBride, advisor
- Phi Kappa Lambda
- Greek and Sorority Life
- Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (Men’s Music Fraternity) / Dr. Eric Laprade, advisor
- Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity (Women’s Music Fraternity) / Dr. Wayne Heisler, advisor
- Music Performance
- TCNJ Pep Band / Dr. Eric Laprade, advisor
- TCNJ Taiko / Dr. Wayne Heisler, advisor
- International i-Tunes A Cappella
- TCNJ Treblemakers / Dr. Cathy Liebars, advisor
- TCNJ Trentones / Dr. John Leonard, advisor